Thursday, October 6, 2011


The results are in: I have been placed in Japanese level 2!
That's out of 3 possible classes so I'm in the middle one :D

Today was the first official day of Japanese class and it started at 9:00AM this morning.
If there is one thing about myself that I am certain of it is that I am NOT a morning person haha
It's going to take some serious amounts of coffee or red bull to keep me awake through 3 hours of Japanese study every day!!
But my teacher is really really nice and I enjoyed the class today.  It's slightly intimidating because she only speaks in Japanese, but I was doing ok understanding it until I started falling asleep.... oops ^^;

Tomorrow I have 'integrated Japanese' and 'reading and composition'
I'm nervous.

And now it's entirely too late and I have class at 9:00am again tomorrow. so BED TIME~!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed you this morning/evening. I'm glad you posted a blog for me though. You will do great in these classes I know. Hope you sleep well and I will talk to you when you get up.
