Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Today I have been stuck inside all day because of the typhoon ...except for my quick run to 7Eleven to stock up on food.  This morning the rain wasn't so bad... just a light drizzle, but it has gotten worse and worse as the day has gone on and now I'm fairly certain that at least a part of the tree next to my balcony is going to fly onto it OR into my room O_O''

This is the video I took at around 3:00 this afternoon

And this is the video I took just a little while ago around 6:00

And this is my adventure with the bed....


  1. BAHAHAHAH. omg the bed part. I laughed so hard. I miss you. gahahah

  2. Well, I have to say that wind and tree is SCARY...I don't think E told me how bad it REALLY was !
